
Fab Find!

I just came across this blog while just randomly going from random blog to random blog, and then I came across this one, it's so cute. AND this girl can take awesome pictures!!! :)
check it out!!!check it out!!! check it out!!!

xo, stefanie

Blog Party Over There!!!

Elsie from A Beautiful Mess is having a blog party(at her blog) for the WHOLE day today!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! With looooooads of DIYs, posts, and MORE!!! You guys have to check it out! check it out!!!! ahhhhhh! I am in love with her blog/life, so this has got me totally excited!!!!!!!!! You guys don't wanna miss this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xo, stefanie

"Tell Your Story" by Elsie Flannigan

Tell Your Story from elsie flannigan on Vimeo.

xo, stefanie

In the Sun-She and Him

I absolutely fell in love with this song and video after I saw it on Elsie's blog!
And I thought I would share it with you guys :)
enjoy it!
xo, stefanie


Oh so very sorry!

Soory guys!!! I know I haven't posted in a while, but I will tonight!!!!Honestly and trully, I will!!!
Hope you keep checkin out the blog, no worries, I haven't DISAPPEARED!
xo, stefanie


Facebook Finder

As you all know, I have a facebook page for the blog, and my own personal blog(ot for the blog). I have friends who are "beginner" photographers, but some of the pictures they produce are ah-mazing! THis photo Im gonna show you is actually not by a friend of mine, but rather a friend of a friend. I find it absolutely stunning! Unfortunately I cant give out her name, because she doesnt know about the blog, and its for her own privacy.

xo, stefanie


A Cup of Tea

B:It's just not my cup of tea.
L:Just not your cup of tea you say?!
B:Yes, not my cup of tea.
L:Well, what type of tea do you prefer?!?!?!?!
B:Something sweet, but not too, something tangy, but not too, too.
L:Well, it looks like you'll never have your cup of tea! For there is nothing like that!
B:Ah, but there is dear friend. There is..................It's Him.
L:Who's Him?!
B:Why Him of course?!?!
L:Who's Him?!
B:Haven't you ever heard of Him?!?!
L:Why no!
B:Well then you've never lived my friend, for Him is a boy of swagger and style, and nothing(it seems) is worth his time, but me(sometimes), and him.
L:Why he seems to tragic.
B:Tragic you say?!
L:Yes tragic I say. For what is a boy(if not a man) who can't be caught by anything, not even you. Whose eye wanders at the slightest event, if it an event at all!
B:Why do you utter such things! He is who he is! A man or boy, both in the same, a romantic inside, with a lovable shell. I crave for the slightest look my way, the tiniest wave, or the smallest gesture. For anything from him would be gold.
L:Gold you say?! Hah! Gold you say?! Please hold your tongue before it begins to come loose! You are just a victim of lust and envy. If it be not one thing, it will be another, for you see him in your eyes as nothing but perfect. But you would be wrong, just by words I can tell what he is like, someone who knows what he is, and does wha he likes, and doesn't care who he hurts!
B:Stop it! Stop it! you know of nothing! You have neither met nor encountered Him in any way! He is the pinticle of my dreams, the lust(that you say) of my wanting. But I know what will be, and what will not. For he is of ebony, and I of ivory. Both by comparison, relation, and seperation.
L:Ebony and Ivory you say, I see. Well then I musn't worry, for you wil never be together. No worries there.
B:Maybe, maybe not. You never know what fortunes will be brought to us. A laugh, a smile, a hug, a kiss. You never know me friend, you never know...
L:Oh I know alright! It's best to just forget him.
B:Forget him!!!!What an outrage it brings to me when you say that! Forget him?! Forget HIM?!?!?! I could never forget him, he's not like the others, he's.......different, he's.....better.
L:Whatever! You've just gone to far, and if you ever come back, it will be in pieces, for I tell you, this will not end well.
B:Oh nevermind, I cannot change your thoughts, but I can end it at any moment!
L:Oh nevermind you say? Then nevermind we shall, so let us sit and talk(about the latest affairs).........and drink, a cup, of tea.

by:Stefanie Alexandra


Beautiful (Online) Shops By Beautiful People

Here are some amazing shops by some amazing people...

please check out these ahmazing shops! :D

xo, stefanie

I (heart) (heart) (heart)--more inspiration

here's the link:http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=166054&id=354759940282&ref=mf

Andrea Ball ( I love her!!!)

I actually found her video while surfing the web, and I feel in love. But as it turns out, she's friends with Elsie too!! Can you say "Great minds think alike"?!?! haha. Anyway, you should really check her out. She's an independent arist, and her album's up on iTunes. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find her on YouTube, so I can't share the song here, but you can check out the song on Elsie's blog (abeautifulmess.typepad.com).
please check out her music!!! :D

xo, stefanie

Picture of the Day

source: unknown

I find old pictures like this to be so beautiful, one of the reasons is probably because the women painted during that time were not skinny like a twig, they had cruves, making them interesting to paint.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that skinny girls aren't pretty, because...I AM SKINNY LIKE A TWIG!!! hahaha. :P
"People come in different shapes and sizes" but we're all beautiful.
I know, I'm getting all metaphorical :P

have an awesome thursday people!!!

xo, stefanie


(that's 12x12)

A funky hat is the perfect way to hide that weekend messy hair.

xo, stefanie


I ( heart) (heart)

More Inspiration!
here's the link:

xo, stefanie

Picture of the Day

One word.......beautiful.
source: unknown
xo, stefanie


Yep, It's back! :D
A slouchy tote bag is made for the weekend- it holds everything and still looks cute!

xo, stefanie


Yay! I FINALLY made my art journals!! A DIY I tried out from one of my all time FAVOURITE blogers Elsie! And I must say, I am quite proud of my own :)
And I do plan on making more :D

100% homemade :D

xo, stefanie

birthday countdown

23 Days!!!

Birthday COuntdown

24 Days!!!

Birthday Countdown

25 Days!!!

Birthday Countdown!

26 Days!

Your such a REBEL!!

I am actually supposed to be working...but I couldn't help myself! I just wanted to post something. Like a little notice of what's gonna be coming your way(today).
-march break photos
-Picture of the Day
-Inspiration Album

that's all for now!

(no image)
xo, stefanie


wgat's you favourite food?

pizza! I know it's cliche, but I can NEVER get tired of it! :P

xo, stefanie

Ask me anything

Rando Photos...

rose and pearl studs from Bee! I <3 them sooooo much! Aren't they the cutest?!?!
*Gold Digger*
I want this to be a name for something of mine, but I haven't quite thought of anything yet...
so....I COPYRIGHT IT!AHHHHH! hahaha. :P

xo, stefanie