
Interview with a Photographer: Chelsea Donoho

Full Name: Chelsea Donoho
Occupation: Photographer


Have you always been interested in photography?
I’ve always kind of thought of the world as a magical, beautiful place, fascinating myself with nature & my own imagination. I thrive off of creating; it’s really the only thing that makes me feel centered & whole. I guess one day i realized that photography was the perfect combination of what i love to do & the more i do it, the more my love for it grows.

Who/what got you started in photography?
Honestly...i have no idea. It just kind of happened--- one day i was driving down the highway when i was like 17 & that song "everything is alright" by motion city soundtrack came blaring on the radio & it was summer & the windows were down... & suddenly my brain just clicked "i think i want to travel & be a photographer." I’d never really thought of it before then. Haha.

Who’s your favourite photographer?
Probably like everybody. I just love to look at photos. Lately I’ve really loved Eugenio Recuenco
Where did you study or take courses?
I didn't really ever take any photography classes. I went to college at the University of Kansas for a year. Well, i was enrolled- i rarely went. Ok, like never. It just didn’t feel right. I think that dropping out of college is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Which do you like better - b&w, color or sepia?
Color for sure! Especially in warm vintage tones.

What do you want people to think when they look at your photography?
Hmm... I think I’d like them to feel a sense of magic & youthful fascination…& just to notice the beauty & wonder in everyday life. :)

Favourite show? I’m currently WAY too obsessed with true blood. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. Hahaha

Favourite animal? Falkor my woofy pet!! I also really love the imagery of birds.

Favourite color? I’m really into turquoise & red right now.

Favourite season? Spring!!

Favourite memory? When i was growing up my parents would read to my sister & i before bed. I had an imaginary friend named shyla… a Pegasus horse. Sometimes, my dad would make up elaborate stories to tell me as i was falling asleep about shyla & the world she lived in called stylon. I still remember a lot of the stories. He’s actually working on turning those stories into a children’s book now! Then, my parents would stand in the hallway between our rooms & sing us to sleep together. My favourite song was crystal lullaby, by the carpenters. I am convinced that my parents have the most beautiful voices in the world. :)

Favourite organ? hahaha, my eyes??

visit her blog/website at: chelseadonoho.com

xo, stefanie



Alright, I know I said that I want to keep my private life seperate from the blog, but I also said that it might seep in sometimes, like now :) But I reaaaaally have to talk about this one. Okay, so this happened a couple of weeks agao, but I've been cotemplating about telling anyone other than my very closest-cousin, and now have decided I want to share this with my readers. Okay, so you know when you meet that perfect guy; hot/handsome, great personality, (*good teeth :P), everything goin for him? (okay, this may not happen to EVERYONE, but it happened to me). But then you find out something UNpleasant about them? LIke they live in another country?! Well, that's what happened to me too. I was on the subway and I got on to one of the old mustard colored trains and there was this one seat section and I wasn't paying attention to the scarse people around me, so I sat down...right across from one of the most handsome gys I have EVER seen. His name was James. We talked for an hour about all different kinds of things, world issuses, life, who we are, what we do, how life is treating us (life works in mysterious ways with me...), etc. OH! Did I mention he had an Australian accent?! I knoooooow! <3 And finally we talked about where we came from, and it turns out, as my luck would have it, that he was from Australia (duh!) on a trip here to Canada, and he was actually leaving for home that day!!! I knoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Just my luck right?!?!?! Anywho, he ended up telling me a little more about himself, and then we came to his subway stop. But here's the catch...just before he got off.....NO, I can't tell you...oh alright! HE KISSED ME! I knooooooooow!
*And we're not talking cheek here*

Life is straaaaaange, and cruel :)

that's my story for the year :P

go out and find your perfect guy! haha

xo, stefanie

p.s. I don't regret anything :)

Windsor Arms (Part 2)

Part 3 and Finale coming soon!

xo, stefanie

p.s. That's my VERY close cousin in that one picture, it was our lunch.

Esty Excavations

This reminds me...I need to get that old typewriter I've wanted for years from my grandfather...
Too bad I can't have this beaut :(

xo, stefanie

Comtemplation and Retaliation

I have decide I'm not going to do a DAILY recipe, but instead, a WEEKLY recipe on Tuesdays.

xo, stefanie


Video Blog Post No 2: Wardrobe (and makeup)

xo, stefanie

Just a Little Stop Motion :)

I found this on daydreamlily.com but it's originally by Francesca-Jane.
It's such a cute video. loves.

Last Week's poll results...

33% of you guys "dislike" Miley Cyrus
66% of you guys "dislike" Mel Gibson

there you go :)

xo, stefanie

Just Another Lunch at the Windsor Arms...(Part 1)

Just so we're clear, I obviously wasn't going to take pictures in the hotel because;
a) I know what the hotel looks like inside and out
b) It looks soooo touristy when people do that
c) I was enjoying the food! :P

Also, all these photos are pretty random, but I was bored in the car (no limo this time, but I did get a driver) and you'll just have to deal with my randomness.

(obviously we were on Bloor St. E.)

(taking a very green side road to the highway, blurry photos that I'm trying to perfect)

(there was a homeless person wandering around just up ahead)

(my purse and shoes-keep this in mind when you see my dress)

(this was an accident)
(this wasn't :P )

(construction as usual)

(I'm such a stalker-hahaha)

(I could've really gone for a tub of Haagen Dazs at that moment)

(this guy took FOREVEEEEEEER to turn)

(Dew...such a cute store)

(I sooooo wish we had normal yellow taxis all the time instead of these co-op ones, and beck taxi-yuck)

(^^^^^^^ I want that caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!)

(I'm not religious...but this is a pretty good shot :D )

(again...NOT religious)

(now that's a good shot)

(I like this one...)

(eh, whatever...)

Well that's part ONE of my photos, you'll be able to see what I wore later, the second part may even come later today...

xo, stefanie