
Interview with a Photographer: Chelsea Donoho

Full Name: Chelsea Donoho
Occupation: Photographer


Have you always been interested in photography?
I’ve always kind of thought of the world as a magical, beautiful place, fascinating myself with nature & my own imagination. I thrive off of creating; it’s really the only thing that makes me feel centered & whole. I guess one day i realized that photography was the perfect combination of what i love to do & the more i do it, the more my love for it grows.

Who/what got you started in photography?
Honestly...i have no idea. It just kind of happened--- one day i was driving down the highway when i was like 17 & that song "everything is alright" by motion city soundtrack came blaring on the radio & it was summer & the windows were down... & suddenly my brain just clicked "i think i want to travel & be a photographer." I’d never really thought of it before then. Haha.

Who’s your favourite photographer?
Probably like everybody. I just love to look at photos. Lately I’ve really loved Eugenio Recuenco
Where did you study or take courses?
I didn't really ever take any photography classes. I went to college at the University of Kansas for a year. Well, i was enrolled- i rarely went. Ok, like never. It just didn’t feel right. I think that dropping out of college is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Which do you like better - b&w, color or sepia?
Color for sure! Especially in warm vintage tones.

What do you want people to think when they look at your photography?
Hmm... I think I’d like them to feel a sense of magic & youthful fascination…& just to notice the beauty & wonder in everyday life. :)

Favourite show? I’m currently WAY too obsessed with true blood. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. Hahaha

Favourite animal? Falkor my woofy pet!! I also really love the imagery of birds.

Favourite color? I’m really into turquoise & red right now.

Favourite season? Spring!!

Favourite memory? When i was growing up my parents would read to my sister & i before bed. I had an imaginary friend named shyla… a Pegasus horse. Sometimes, my dad would make up elaborate stories to tell me as i was falling asleep about shyla & the world she lived in called stylon. I still remember a lot of the stories. He’s actually working on turning those stories into a children’s book now! Then, my parents would stand in the hallway between our rooms & sing us to sleep together. My favourite song was crystal lullaby, by the carpenters. I am convinced that my parents have the most beautiful voices in the world. :)

Favourite organ? hahaha, my eyes??

visit her blog/website at: chelseadonoho.com

xo, stefanie

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