Tonight I sat up late at night with my pillow, blanket, caramel-corn, chocolate cake, berry juice, a recliner and one of my favourite movies.
Sleepless in Seatle.
Yes, the one with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan that was made in 1993.
I must say that I will forever love Tom Hanks, even if he were to pull a "Tiger Woods" and sleep with 14 women. I wouldn't be able to change my view or love of him. But that's another post for another day.
As for Meg Ryan...well! If Tom Hanks weren't married, I would wish those two together any time. Such chemistry and romance, even in this movie--which was the first movie they ever did together--they didn't even have that many scenes together yet the emotion was there, it just can't be denied even today. However, this movie isn't even my favourite of their's!
My favourite would have to be You've Got Mail, a movie they did together 6 years after Sleepless in Seatle.
That movie makes my heart hurt every time. Not because it's heart-wrenching or depressing, its the shear thought of true love with the unlikely.
One aspect of You've Got Mail that I absolutely love is that, at the beginning of the movie and throughout you see Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's characters pass each other by everyday and never notice once. To see someone everyday, to pass them by and never give them a second thought, to not stop and look around for once. It just leaves me flabbergasted everytime. It makes me think about the people I pass everyday, the people I ignore on the bus, in the grocery store, on the sidewalk...
Never do we notice who we come into contact with.
Maybe that new boss of yours went to the same cafe as you for 2 years and bought the exact same sandwhich as you everyday at the exact time that you would always order yours, and maybe you even got his sandwhich and he got yours because you couldn't tell whose was whose, and he just became that guy you would refer to as "the guy who always gets the same sandwhich as me", and finally, 2 years later...he's your boss. Who knew?!
No one, that's who, because like I said, we don't stop and take a second...no, not a second, a few minutes to look around. Whether the reason be that you have to be at work on time, be at school on time, or you're just too absorbed with your life, your-self, to not notice the...oh, I don't know...the man that sits across from you on the subway everyday just so he can catch a glimpse of you between the hoard of people because he's madly in love with you, or maybe the guy in your science class who asks you for your notes every week even though he writes up perfectly good notes by himself but you just never seem to notice.
Now I';ve gotten carried away, but you see my point...
My god! I'm not even talking about the movie I just watched!
Sleepless in Seatle has a different kind of love. Its the love of a person you've never met before yet you can't help but fall madly inlove with them.
"Meet me at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentine's day"
Lord, do I wish a (gentle)man would say that to me...
Let's pull a Chuck and Blair scene, only without the cheating and bullets.
Or let's do it the old-fashioned way from An Affair to Remember...only without the disappointment, taxi accident, or cripple-ness.
On second thought...let's just do it our way.
Let's fall in love without regret, let's hurt without restriction, and let's forgive without forgetting.
Love.......let's do it all.
xo, stefanie
p.s. You have got to watch Sleepless in Seatle, You've Got Mail, and An Affair to Remember!
p.p.s. there's one scene on valentine's day when a huge heart lights up the empire state building on all sides...my new york obsession showing :P

This is a great post Stephanie!
I love those two Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movies you talked about but did you realise they'd done a third film called Joe Versus The Volcano which was released in 1990.That's actually my favourite of their 3 films and you get to see Meg play 3 different characters in the one film,if you haven't seen it you should check it out.
Great to hear! And NO i have not heard of that movie! Thank you soooooo much for telling me :D
I will DEFINITELY check it out :)
xo, stefanie
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